socialist|socialists in English


['so·cial·ist || 'səʊʃəlɪst]

advocate of socialism, member of a socialist movement

Use "socialist|socialists" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "socialist|socialists" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "socialist|socialists", or refer to the context using the word "socialist|socialists" in the English Dictionary.

1. The Socialists were predominant in the last Parliament.

2. 24 The Socialists introduced fairly radical reforms.

3. The neo-Socialists were a small right wing group.

4. Popular opinion has tilted in favour of the Socialists.

5. Buoyed by the victories of young socialist candidates in Pennsylvania, Arielle Cohen, co-chairperson of a local Democratic Socialists of America chapter, told The Huffington Post that momentum was on the side of ultra-left liberals

6. The Socialists have decided to call the opposition's bluff.

7. The socialists performed impressively in the legislative elections.

8. The party combined socialists with liberal democrats and progressive Christians.

9. Price fixing is a tool of socialists and destroys production.

10. 14 She defected from the Liberals and joined the Socialists.

11. White nationalists are the favorite Bogeymen of 2020s American socialists

12. The Czechoslovak Socialist Republic (1968-1990) was a federal socialist republic and a satellite state of the Soviet Union.The creation of the Czech Socialist Republic and the Slovak Socialist Republic was a result of the Prague Spring

13. Kornai, János: The Socialist System.

14. The Bolsheviki were first to use violence against other Socialists.

15. The socialists saw themselves as true heirs of the Enlightenment.

16. 3 The Communist Party has aligned itself with the Socialists.

17. The Socialists now have a commanding lead over their opponents.

18. The Socialists were trying to smear Churchill as a warmonger.

19. A socialist, but still good.

20. She is a dedicated socialist.

21. Part four: Build the socialist constitutionalism with Chinese characteristics; advance the development of socialist political civilization.

22. In 1912, Luxemburg was the SPD representative at the European Socialists congresses.

23. Commie - a socialist who advocates communism

24. 5 She is a dedicated socialist.

25. You're KIDDING Only An American Socialist Could Enjoy The Capitalist Lifestyle While Praising Breadlines In Socialist Countries #CollectivismKills